Monday 28 April 2014

My Top 10 Beauty Secrets

My Top 10 Beauty Secrets

Happy Monday Ladies!
 I thought I would do a fun post this week to take a break from all the reviews I have been doing lately. Hope you enjoy reading all about my top 10 beauty secrets. :-)

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @divadesle if you want to see my travel pictures:-)

Here it goes....

1. What is one product that makes you feel like a million dollars?
 Lipstick and more lipstick. Lipstick always makes me feel beautiful and confident. I never leave the house without having something on my lips. Whether it is lip gloss, tinted lip balm or lipstick. When I used to drive to work at 04:30 in the morning, I would put on my boldest and brightest lipstick to make me feel awake and pretty. Even though I looked like crap. Lol

2. What is your skincare secret? / A passed down skin care tip?
I don't think I have a skin care secret. I am very simple when it comes to my skin care routine. I don't like to bombard my face with too many products. For me the most important skin care tip is to cleanse your face daily. Always wash all your makeup off before you go to bed. Even if you didn't have a very eventful day, make sure to cleanse your face at least once a day to get rid of excess oils and dirt that may clog your pores and cause breakouts.

3. Share your hair care secret?
Hair masks are my secret weapon. I cannot live without a deep hydrating hair mask. My ends tend to get dry very quickly so I like to pamper my hair with a hair mask treatment once a week. The instructions on the mask usually say to leave the product in for 2 to 5 minutes. I like to leave the mask on my hair for 15 minutes and more just to make sure the product soaks deeply into my tresses.

4. What is your biggest diet rule?
I don't diet. I eat what I want to eat but in moderation. I do eat healthy though but I don't deprive myself of ice cream or chocolate cake if I am craving it. I want to live a happy balanced life. That means that carrot sticks and  thick strawberry milkshakes are both on my menu. So in my rule book, I would say keep your portions small and eat what you want. 

5. Any workout tips?
Gosh, I haven't exercised in weeks. Sigh! I blame it on my hectic travel schedule. I would say, always eat a banana or yoghurt before you exercise to keep your blood sugar levels stable. 

6. Which perfume is your secret weapon?
It would definitely be the Eau de Toilette Le Parfum perfume by Ellie Saab. I went for a personal consultation with the renowned international perfume designer Danny Ventura last year. Together we found out that my perfect scent that suits my personality and taste is Ellie Saab Le Parfum Eau de Toilette. My mom actually gave me this perfume for Christmas last year. So if I ever go on a hot date I will definitely wear that one! :-)))

7. What clothing item of yours always turns heads? 
I don't have one specific clothing item. I would say all my pretty dresses turn heads. I am obsessed with buying dresses. It is one of my favourite things.I always feel beautiful in a dress and I have received many compliments when I wear them.

8. What is your most treasured piece of jewellery?
It is a beautiful silver watch which I got for Christmas from my mom. The watch is more than 10 years old and I love it dearly.

9. Who is your style crush?
I think it is a mixture between Beyonce and Lily Aldridge. They are my favourite style icons. They always look amazing and stylish in whatever they wear. Beyonce is all diva glam and Lily Aldridge makes a statement in glam rock. I love to mix both those styles when I am dressing up.

10. Tell us something we don’t know about you...
Where do I start? Lol!  My one secret that is completely beauty unrelated is that I have never touched snow. It is on my bucket list! When my sister lived in Norway she would send pictures of herself skiing in the mountains and my heart would long to be with her. Aah, one day my dream will come true and I shall ski in the snowy mountains with her. :-)

Thanks for reading ladies. Feel free to share any beauty secrets you might have, with me below!



  1. Such a fab post, Diva Desle! I love all your top ten beauty secrets. I love the photo ensemble on your post too. This post is really fab! :D

    1. Thank you for reading Saundy! Much love. XXX

  2. Snow!!! Omw, I always wanted to experience it and I did a couple of years ago, and that day is still one of my favourite days EVER! :))) I would love to go for consult about what is my perfect scent! Great post hun x

    1. Aww, Natalie I'm sure it was an amazing day. The perfume consultation is great as you learn so much about yourself too. xxx

  3. awwww great post. Love to read about all your "secrets".. Hee hee hee

  4. lovely post Diva!!! I would love to go skiing too, BUCKET LIST lol...

  5. Enjoyed this post Desle. I've also never touched snow.


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